Alzheimer’s Association Santa Rosa
1211 N. Dutton Ave Ste. A, Santa Rosa CA 95401
Watch videos including the latest chatter and basic information.
Visit: (click here)
NAMI Sonoma County helps individuals and families affected by mental health conditions to build better lives through education, support, advocacy and by raising public awareness. NAMI Sonoma County envisions a world where anyone affected by mental illness recognizes the signs and symptoms and knows how to ask for help; has access to treatment and support; and experiences a community that cares and encourages them on their journey toward recovery.
Visit: (click here)
Redwood Caregiver Resource Center
The Redwood Caregiver Resource Center provides family consultants who guide family members who are caregivers for any type of brain disorder and dementia. Based in Santa Rosa, their services are invaluable for resource information, research on dementia and brain disorders, psychosocial support and psychotherapy information and more.
Visit: (click here)