Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care, Sonoma County CA

Wendy Taylor, MSW

Taylor Elder Care Management, Sebastopol CA. Wendy Taylor's qualifications include 30 years as a social worker specializing in medical and mental health care, 21 years of experience as a geriatric social worker providing case management and 14 years of experience as a social work mental health case manager.


A List of Three Locally Owned Agencies

Home Health Care Inc.
Contact person: Elena Quintanilla
4983 Sonoma Hwy. Ste. E Santa Rosa, CA 95409
(707) 538-0679


  • **Caregiver $42.00 per hour **services are four hour minimum

  • **Caregiver (two people) $45.00 per hour **services are four hour minimum

  • Caregiver services after 8 hours $63.00 per hour

  • Caregiver services after 8 hours (two people) $67.50 per hour

  • Live in (24 hour care) $900.00 per day

  • Short visit (1-3 hours) $1.00 per minute

  • Skilled Nursing Visit $165.00 per hour

  • Holidays $ Time and a Half

  • Mileage $ .67 per mile

    Short Shifts Available through Home Health Care Inc.: 
    Hourly rate is $1.00 a minute. Short shifts can be used for activities that do not require 4 hours. Examples: a bath visit, shopping, transportation to a doctor's appointment. Not limited to a 4 hour shift. 


Hired Hand Inc, Home Care (Non-Medical Provider)
Kirsten Stewart
2901 Cleveland Ave. Ste 203, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
(707) 575-4700

Companionship/ Personal Assistant Services: $42 per hour, 4-hour minimum per shift

  • Transportation, shopping, reading, cooking, light housekeeping, medication reminders

Personal Care Services: $44.00 per hour, 4-hour minimum per shift

  • All of the above, plus:

  • Assistance with activities of daily living, grooming , assistance with exercise programs

Advanced Care Services: $46 per hour, 4- hour minimum per shift

  • Dementia care, hospice support, bedbound care, hoyer lift assistance


Interim Health Care (Non-Medical Provider) Talei Qarase, Manager
2200 Range Ave, #100 | Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Licensed Home Care Aid Rates

  • $41hr-$49hr depending on level of care, 4 hour minimum

  • 24 hour coverage (12 or 24 hour shifts)

  • Mileage $0.63/mile

  • Care Coordination Rates - $95.00 hour performed by management team

Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care Management
Wendy Taylor, MSW | Sebastopol, CA  95472 | support@tayloreldercare.com | (707) 824-5637