Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care, Sonoma County CA

Wendy Taylor, MSW

Taylor Elder Care Management, Sebastopol CA. Wendy Taylor's qualifications include 30 years as a social worker specializing in medical and mental health care, 21 years of experience as a geriatric social worker providing case management and 14 years of experience as a social work mental health case manager.

Cost of Care in Sonoma County

The Low Income Senior Housing Crisis

I work regularly with a placement specialist and she provides families with placement opportunities that she and her staff have researched closely over many years. The cost of a Board and Care for seniors with full care needs can cost $9,500 to $10,000 a month. If a senior does not have dementia behavior concerns and is not full care, the cost could be $8,500 or 9,000. I work regularly with locally owned licensed caregiver agencies to set up care in the home and the average cost of 24 hour care is $980.00 a day. Many seniors do not have anywhere near the resources for Board and Care placement in Sonoma County.

With the extreme costs of care in Sonoma County related to inflation and the labor law Assembly Bill 241 causing agency caregiver cost jumps, more and more seniors are at risk for inadequate care in their homes and lack of appropriate levels of housing to address their increasing needs over time. I like to problem solve with families who have moderate or low income senior family members who need daily care and can't afford to hire care at home and cannot afford to go to Board and Care or Assisted Living settings. I stay up to date with low income housing for seniors and disabled adults and can provide applications when needed which can be an extremely time consuming task.

I am available to discuss relocation of family members to other areas of the Country where there is low income senior and disabled housing resources available and caring relatives nearby.

I am also available to provide information about the Assisted Living Waiver Program (click here) in California.

The Assisted Living Waiver Program (click here) helps Medi-Cal members who are low-income seniors and adults over the age of 21-year-old with disabilities to pay for care in Residential Care Facility for the Elderly (or RCFE) or Assisted Living Facilities. They must have a minimum income of $1,398.07 to cover their room and board fee paid directly to the care facility, with a max income of $2400 a month. However, if clients are below or above this, they can still try to assist. They also must have a care need that is either physical or cognitive care, or both. in order to apply you must use a coordination agency and you can find the agency names by scrolling down on the homepage and going to the sentence that says: A current listing of Care Coordination Agencies (click here) is available for your review.

A local Sonoma County placement specialist suggested using the following coordination agency: 

Star Nursing, Inc
https://starnursing.com/ (click here)

Questions? Contact me (click here)

Photo by Erik Castro.Seniors lining up for evacuation during the Glass Fire, September 27th 2020.

Photo by Erik Castro.

Seniors lining up for evacuation during the Glass Fire, September 27th 2020.

Eloise Tweeten at Tweeten Eldercare (click here) is a advanced placement specialist for seniors in need of residential Care in the Bay area and throughout the state of California and throughout the country.


POLLINATING by artist Suzanne Deveuve

POLLINATING by artist Suzanne Deveuve

Taylor Elder and Disabled Adult Care Management
Wendy Taylor, MSW | Sebastopol, CA  95472 | support@tayloreldercare.com | (707) 824-5637